Confidence | New Perspectives | Success

YOU and me

YOU are @ the right place if you are a private person.

YOU are @ the right place if you are a strong and powerful person
struggling more than usual in your private or business life.
#Stress #Change #Motivation #Selfconfidence #Conflict #Executive&own paths

YOU are @ the right place if you need to improve your personal skills.
#Empathy #Sympathetic #Burnout #CareerManagement

Spoken Languages: French, German, English, Italian.

What my Clients say after a coaching session with me

Katrin (47)- Management Position Stuttgart (Germany)

“Unsere Gespräche habe ich als sehr, sehr hilfreich erlebt. Du stellst genaue Nachfragen und ziehst die richtigen Schlüsse. Ich habe keine Anregungen für Verbesserungen!”

Adeline (28)- Entrepreneur Karlsruhe (Germany)

“Noucha m´a apporté des outils concrets pour y voir plus clair. C´est une personne compétente, franche et spontanée. Il lui tient à cœur de faire émerger chez chacun les solutions aux problèmes rencontrés, de nous rendre acteurs et créateurs de nos projets”


Oana- Lawyer Stuttgart (Germany)

“Parler avec toi, tous les exercices m´ont permis de reprendre confiance en moi, de faire la paix avec la réalité pour ensuite concentrer mes efforts sur des objectifs identifiés que j´ai depuis atteint.”


YOU are @ the right place if you are a Student .

You have to deal with procrastination, with imposter Syndrome during your Studies.

You are not sure about the next steps: if you want to study or work. And if so, which studies or which work?

YOU are @ the right place if you achieved your Studies.

You are not sure about the next step: should I take one year break ? Should I start to work ? In a Company or as an Entrepreneur? Which career plan suits to me?

What my Students say after a coaching session with me

Cassandra – Student in Digital Business Management

“Insgesamt: Sie haben eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre geschaffen in den Rücksprachen, gute Fragen gestellt, waren jeder Zeit ansprechbar, haben die richtigen Worte gefunden, waren(…) Coach, Motivator und “druckmacher” (im positiven Sinne durch enges Deadlines)”.


Jakob – Student in Digital Business Management

“die Zeit der Bachelorarbeit war für mich im Rückblick ebenso sehr intensiv, lehrreich und spannend! Es hat mir wirklich Spaß gemacht, mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten und mein Thema, Gliederung und Vorgehensweise Stück für Stück zu verfeinern. Ich bin über das Ergebnis sehr sehr glücklich”


Jil – Student in Digital Business Management

“einen sehr netten und Coaching Approach bei den Sessions (sie waren sehr motivierend und aufmunternd, auch wenn man mal nicht so gut drauf ist/war oder Schwierigkeiten hat)”

YOUr company

YOU are @ the right place if you are a company.

YOU are @ the right place when you look for a Coach, Facilitator, Trainer with Expertise on following subjects: #Financialdepartment #Conflict #EmployeesBounding&Development #NewWork

Spoken Languages: French, German, English, Italian.

Hi! My Name is Noucha.
I am certified systemic business coach.
I worked for 20 years as Controller in different countries for several international companies.
With my multicultural personal background, I made the Motto “there are no Problems, only Solutions” mine.
Which made me full of joy and strongly empathetic .
All in all, I am strongly structured and love to see my clients finding and developing their own solution from one coaching session to another.

@ Company level : my Coaching Approach is to facilitate the implementation of New Work @ human level. Since most of the time the New Work tools are already implemented.

@ Private level: I believe everyone should be able to afford themselves Coaching sessions.

I would love to coach you !

Hi! My Name is Noucha.
I am certified systemic business coach.
I worked for 20 years as Controller in different countries for several international companies.
With my multicultural personal background, I made the Motto “there are no Problems, only Solutions” mine.
Which made me full of joy and strongly empathetic .
All in all, I am strongly structured and love to see my clients finding and developing their own solution from one coaching session to another.

@ Company level : my Coaching Approach is to facilitate the implementation of New Work @ human level. Since most of the time the New Work tools are already implemented.

@ Private level: I believe everyone should be able to afford themselves Coaching sessions.

I would love to coach you !

Contact me

Appointment online or offline

Tel: +49 151 432 718 67


Confidence | New Perspectives | Success