Confidence | New Perspectives | Success
YOU and me
YOU are @ the right place if you are a private person.
YOU are @ the right place if you are a strong and powerful person
struggling more than usual in your private or business life.
#Stress #Change #Motivation #Selfconfidence #Conflict #Executive&own paths
YOU are @ the right place if you need to improve your personal skills.
#Empathy #Sympathetic #Burnout #CareerManagement
Spoken Languages: French, German, English, Italian.
What my Clients say after a coaching session with me
YOU are @ the right place if you are a Student .
You have to deal with procrastination, with imposter Syndrome during your Studies.
You are not sure about the next steps: if you want to study or work. And if so, which studies or which work?
YOU are @ the right place if you achieved your Studies.
You are not sure about the next step: should I take one year break ? Should I start to work ? In a Company or as an Entrepreneur? Which career plan suits to me?
What my Students say after a coaching session with me
YOUr company
YOU are @ the right place if you are a company.
YOU are @ the right place when you look for a Coach, Facilitator, Trainer with Expertise on following subjects: #Financialdepartment #Conflict #EmployeesBounding&Development #NewWork
Spoken Languages: French, German, English, Italian.
Hi! My Name is Noucha.
I am certified systemic business coach.
I worked for 20 years as Controller in different countries for several international companies.
With my multicultural personal background, I made the Motto “there are no Problems, only Solutions” mine.
Which made me full of joy and strongly empathetic .
All in all, I am strongly structured and love to see my clients finding and developing their own solution from one coaching session to another.
@ Company level : my Coaching Approach is to facilitate the implementation of New Work @ human level. Since most of the time the New Work tools are already implemented.
@ Private level: I believe everyone should be able to afford themselves Coaching sessions.
I would love to coach you !
Hi! My Name is Noucha.
I am certified systemic business coach.
I worked for 20 years as Controller in different countries for several international companies.
With my multicultural personal background, I made the Motto “there are no Problems, only Solutions” mine.
Which made me full of joy and strongly empathetic .
All in all, I am strongly structured and love to see my clients finding and developing their own solution from one coaching session to another.
@ Company level : my Coaching Approach is to facilitate the implementation of New Work @ human level. Since most of the time the New Work tools are already implemented.
@ Private level: I believe everyone should be able to afford themselves Coaching sessions.
I would love to coach you !