Coaching Jungle

It is all about getting a better understanding of the coaching world and which Coaching suits best to you.

The coaching world is divided into 3 areas:

  • Sports Coaching
  • Management Coaching
  • Medical Coaching

Within the Management Coaching, where I am working, you will find a plenty of offers.

Key is to:

  • define the field where you want to improve and reach your goal,
  • choose and find the right person based on his/her competences,
  • choose and find the right person based on his/her professional background,
  • choose and find the right person based on his/her personal background,
  • choose and find the right person based on his/her coaching qualification,
  • choose and find the right person based on how inspiring the coach is to you.

To check your choice feel free to book a 30 minutes free call/exchange, most of the coaches  offer this possibility.

Contact me

Appointment online or offline

Tel: +49 151 432 718 67


Confidence | New Perspectives | Success